Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Battling the Backside- 5 Tips for Your Best Butt!

We asked and you answered! Over on our facebook page, you told us your funny names for a part of your body that you need to work.

Whether you call it butt, booty or badonkadonk- there were several requests for help with the backside! There are several easy moves that you can sneak in at home or as part of your regular workout routine. We recommend a Move class at CLEAR, which incorporates some of the moves detailed below.

Here are 5 of our favorite tips for toning your tush:

1. Take the Stairs

This one might seem simple, but it's a no-brainer if your behind is a target area for you. Taking the stairs will not only work your bottom and legs, it'll get your heart rate up and burn some calories too! If you want to amp up this simple exercise, pick a place where you can run the stairs. Try a school sports stadium or, if you work in an office building, bring your gym clothes for some after-hours or lunchtime stairs!

2. Kickbacks

Begin this exercise on all fours. (It's helpful if you have a yoga mat available to protect your knees- fold it into thirds for extra cushion!)

Lift your right leg out behind you and bring it to a 90-degree angle. With your foot flexed so that it is parallel with the ceiling, lift your foot towards the ceiling. Complete this motion 15 times and then repeat using your left leg.

If this exercise is tough on your wrists, you can also lean forward onto your forearms, clasping your hands together.

If you're looking for a little bit more of a challenge, you can add a resistance ball. Place the ball between the calf and thigh of the leg you are lifting and squeeze as you lift. Don't let the ball fall out!

3. The "Hydrant"

You'll also begin this exercise on your hands and knees. Keeping your right knee bent, lift it out to the side until it is even with your hips. If you feel like a dog peeing on a fire hydrant, you're doing it correctly! Raise and lower your leg at this angle 15 times and then repeat using your left leg.

To take this exercise up a notch, take up the tempo- using your high spot as your low spot and pulsing for 20 seconds on each side.



4. Hip Lifts

Begin this exercise laying on your back, knees bent, with your feet flat on the floor, hands at your sides.

Lift your hips up off the floor and hold for 3 seconds, then lower, being sure not to let your behind settle in on the ground. Repeat 15 times.

Take this exercise to the next level by lifting your right leg with your foot pointed toward the ceiling as you raise and lower your hips. Repeat 15 times, then switch to your left side.


5. Backward Lunges

Begin facing forward, arms at your side or hands on hips.

Step your left foot backward into a lunge, keeping your right leg bent at a 90-degree angle so that your knee is directly over your foot. Your left heel should not be touching the floor. Your left thigh should be perpendicular to the floor. Repeat 15 times, then switch legs.

You can up the challenge on this exercise by adding weights, keeping your arms straight at your sides as you lunge backwards.

(Please remember to consult your physician before beginning any exercise program. Our advice is just that, advice- and should not be substituted for regular medical care from a qualified physician. All exercises are performed at your own risk!)

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