Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Clear Beginnings

So, I suppose we should introduce ourselves.

Writing regularly in this blog: Annie Bolling, Owner and Founder of Clear and Jennifer Day, Online Community Manager for Clear.

And I guess you're probably wondering...What is Clear? Why should I care? I'll hand this over to Annie to explain.

I opened Clear in September of 2011 after running an art gallery selling contemporary and often conceptual art. Well, maybe not selling--exhibiting contemporary and conceptual art. Apparently, it's not easy to sell a chandelier with 36 lbs of raw bacon and fondant roses.
Kris Ebeling- Bacon Chandelier 2010

My two passions have always been art and wellness. I received my Pilates certification, and began training clients privately as a side project.

My clients told me that what they really loved about working with me was the small group setting. Working with my clients in this environment allowed me to use my 13 years of Yoga experience to notice the things that they really needed to work on, including posture and proper alignment.

I had the training, I had the motivation, I had the space...a few renovations later, Clear was born. 

And that's where I (Jen) come in. Annie clearly needed help with the Social Media and Marketing for Clear, and I agreed to lend my expertise. I also agreed that I could use some help in Annie's areas of expertise- so I'm becoming the Clear Experiment.  That's where our blog name comes from. The day I met Annie, she told me "If you'll commit to it, I'll change your life."

My response? "I'm in."

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